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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Suji Halwa for this Festive Season

When I think of festivals in India, sweets and sweets and more sweets.. thats what I visualize. Being a big foody its hard for me to resist sweets. Sometimes even a basic dish like 'Suji Halwa' which we normally prepare for our puja or offerings is so tempting to me that I can afford to run 5km just to afford eating that :)

Well the Navratri started and I got an excuse to eat it again. But till now I haven't  tried my hands on it, so this time I asked my wife to prepare it in front of me, so that I can add it to my cooking blog. So here it goes:

Ingredients :

1 Cup Suji
1/3 cup Besan (Gram flour)
3/4 cup Ghee (you can change as per your choice)
1 cup sugar
3 cup Milk
1/4  teaspoon cardamom powder
Chopped Almonds, and cashew nuts
1 spoon Raisins

Cooking Method:

Mix Suji and Besan evenly together. In a non-stick pan, pour ghee and heat it on a medium flame. Once ghee is hot enough, add the suji and besan mix and roast it on a low flame till it turns into golden brown color. Add milk to it and stir continuously to avoid the lump formation. Once the milk is absorbed, add chopped almonds, cashews, raisins and then add sugar to it. Keep on cooking on a low flame until the ghee is separated.

Try-it out and don't forget to leave your comments and suggestion.

Have a Happy festive time !!

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